"It Starts with Me: Shifting Priorities to Create The Beloved Community" Youth Global Summit- January 14
Friday, January 14, 2022
5pm - 6:30pm
Virtual Event
The Youth Summit is an interactive and engaging conversation addressing the 2022 King Holiday Theme of “It Starts with Me: Shifting Priorities to Create The Beloved Community” by exploring ways youth may influence each other, their peers and families, to begin to think and behave differently, and shift priorities, as we work to create a just, humane, equitable and peaceful place. A diverse group of young activists will share their viewpoints on how they have individually shifted their priorities as part of the work they do and respond to questions from the audience. Participants will be challenged to continue to work throughout the year on evaluating their priorities and making the shifts necessary to help create the Beloved Community.
Watch live via The King Center's YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter!
Youtube link: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change - YouTube