Today, a new era begins at the CFUL

Central Floridians,

I am thrilled to join the Central Florida Urban League as its new President and CEO. As a native of Orlando, with strong ties to, and a lifetime of involvement in, our community, I understand how important the CFUL is to so many of you. 

I can attest, first-hand, to the critical role that organizations such as ours play in our community. It is exactly that reason that I have dedicated my career to personal empowerment, providing those who seek opportunity with the tools they need to be successful.

From serving our community’s children through youth intervention programming, to providing adults of all ages with exciting upskilling opportunities, the CFUL continues to deliver all the tools Central Floridians need be competitive in 2025 and beyond.

As an organization, we are successful when our clients are successful! Whether it’s ensuring our youth have the opportunity and support to receive their diploma at the end of the year or our clients using their new skills to obtain a higher paying job, our work is meaningful and impactful.

As I begin this new role, my promise is to uphold the legacy of this historic organization by continuing to build bridges in Central Florida. Our mission, anchored by education, employment and entrepreneurship is more critical now than ever before. I believe that our goal of ending generational poverty in our community is truly attainable and by fostering new partnerships and strengthening existing ones, we can accomplish this together. 

Since 1977, the CFUL has been a guiding light for our community. I am excited, honored and truly humbled to be the one chosen to carry this torch forward.


Elizabeth R. Grace
President and CEO, Central Florida Urban League