About the CFUL

The Central Florida Urban League has been a pillar in the community for over 47 years, serving more than 100,000 Central Floridians since our inception. Adapting to the new realities in both society and in our community, the CFUL has honed its mission to focus on the Three Es: Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship. These three pillars guide all CFUL programming and initiatives, ensuring that our organization can end generational poverty in our community and beyond.

To realize this mission, the CFUL hosts the CareerSource Job Training Initiative.

The CareerSource Job Training Initiative encompasses:

Microsoft Office Specialization:

The Microsoft Office Specialist training program from prepares students for entry-level positions in the Finance, IT or Tourism industries. Classes teach students how to create professional-quality financial statements, including budgets and invoices, along with sales presentations, performance charts and employee training manuals. On average, individuals with this certification earn $16,000 more annually than their uncertified peers. Additionally, graduates begin their new careers above entry-level positions, thus putting them on the path towards personal and professional success.

Registered Behavior Technician Training Program:

Our Registered Behavior Technician Training Program prepares graduates to work in multiple fields, but we maintain a specific focus on training individuals to work with at-risk youth. This program provides our clients with the skills to work with youth in our community, helping them reach their full potential academically, emotionally, and socially while inspiring a lifetime love of learning. Healthcare Support Aides develop a foundation specializing in Social and Emotional Training with a focus on social and emotional support; they earn the title of Registered Behavioral Technicians upon graduation.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Course: 

The Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certification Course ensures tomorrow's leaders are prepared with the toolkit they need to get ahead in today's competitive landscape. Whether you are starting a bakery or launching the next billion-dollar startup, ESB develops students' understanding of core business principles, including the essentials needed to launch and maintain a successful business.

Our History

The Central Florida Urban League (formerly known as the Metropolitan Orlando Urban League) was founded on August 5, 1977 and chartered as a national organization on May 28, 1978. An affiliate of the National Urban League, our chapter was created by respected community leaders who believed that Orlando’s African-American community would benefit from professional, economic, and social support. Today, more than 40,000 residents have benefited from our various empowerment programs.

The National Urban League was founded in the early 20th century to assist African-Americans in the Northeast who had fled the segregationist South, only to discover that racial discrimination has no geographic boundaries. Its first agency opened in 1910 in New York City and is headquartered there today, leading the efforts of its local affiliates through the development of programs, public policy research, and advocacy. Today, there are more than 100 local affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia, directly impacting the lives of more than 2 million people nationwide.

Pine Hills Service Center:

Central Florida Urban League
2804 Belco Drive
Orlando, FL 32808
Phone: 407.841.7654
Fax: 407.205.0054

Church Street Service Center:

Central Florida Urban League - Church Street
595 W. Church Street, Suite J
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 407.841.7654
Fax: 407.205.0054