City of Orlando Presents: Family Storytelling: Keep your history alive!


Tuesday, February 23, 2021
6pm - 7:30pm

Valada Flewellyn, a local author and poet/storyteller, shares her story, and offers helpful suggestions of ways you can share and encourage storytelling in your family. “The Black Family” is this year’s theme for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the founders of Black History Month (est. 1915).

In her poem, “The Black Family Tree” found in her first published book, “Poetically, Just Us” (1990). Valada tells us that: “…in every significant achievement. There is a Black family story to unfold. For the most powerful roots in history, are those that anchor the Black family Tree.” Please join author, poet, storyteller, Valada Flewellyn, in this inter-active zoom session. Together, let us celebrate the black family story and keep black history alive!

Featured speakers include:

  • Valada Flewellyn, Author, Poet & Storyteller
  • LaToya Flewellyn, EYESEEIMAGES Media

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