Free Financial Assistance Weekend


April 01, 2022 at 5:30pm – April 03, 2022


Magic Mall
2155 W Colonial Dr
Orlando, FL 32804
United States
Google map and directions

The SalvationUSA Free Financial Assistance Weekend with over $20,000 in free giveaways including at least one free car is happening this April 1-3 at the Magic Mall Parking Lot in Orlando, FL at 6:30pm each night!  

This year they're going BIGGER and BETTER than ever before with more free money for bill pays and more giveaways for kids and teens. They will also have Hip Hop and Gospel Music, an encouraging message and free groceries every night for everyone while supplies last! Plus they’ll be giving away free gift cards, dirt bikes, hoverboards, cell phones, bicycles, reading glasses, laptops and much, much more! You don’t want to miss it! 

REGISTER TODAY at and plan to join us April 1-3 at the Magic Mall at 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm nightly).