RSM Presents: Yesterday This Was Home - Virtual Exhibit Tour


Thursday, February 11, 2021
4pm - 5:30pm

In partnership with the Orange County Regional History Center, in Orlando, Florida RSM is presenting a custom curated virtual tour of the exhibit Yesterday, This was Home – The Ocoee Massacre of 1920 in recognition of the 100-year anniversary. Although not widely known, this significant event was the largest incident of voting-day violence against the black community in United States history. The exhibit focuses on historical facts and data to demonstrate concepts that are difficult to teach, such as media bias, the lasting impacts of systemic racism and voter suppression.

RSM’s goals in sharing this unique event are to further racial understanding and support their diversity and inclusion efforts. Through reflection on a century of social transformation, the exhibit is able to harness the power of perspective, the importance of exercising the right to vote and lessons history can inspire for moving forward.

Date: Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021

Time: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Cost: Complimentary

Click here to register

This event is sponsored by RSM’s African American and Canadian Excellence (AACE) employee network group.