Thank You: Duke Energy

On behalf of our youth, we would love to thank Duke Energy for being an incredible community partner. As a result of your support, we have been able to provide our youth with incredible summer camp opportunities which has enabled them to explore the true meaning of STEM.

Our youth are able to experiment and learn – hands on – with the help of Duke. From Nuclear science to engineering, Duke’s programming ensures that our youth learn and grow throughout the summer, ensuring they return to school excited to continue their educational journey.

We would especially like to thank Duke Energy for being a critical partner during the COVID-19 pandemic, whereas their STEM programming was provided virtually, allowing us to help curb the achievement gap that was being exasperated by the pandemic. 

Finally, our partnership with Duke Energy has also provided our youth with a peek into their potential future and a possible career in the energy sector. It is critical that we work with our partners in the business community to expose our youth to all the potential careers that await them and our children know that anything is possible once they have built a solid educational foundation. 

Please see this special thank you video here.