The CFUL mourns the tragic murders of three innocent people in Pine Hills

The Central Florida Urban League is shocked and saddened by the tragic murders which took place in Pine Hills yesterday.
We join our entire community and mourn the deaths of T'yonna Major, Nathacha Augustin and Dylan Lyons.

“Yesterday’s tragedy has shaken our entire community to the core,” said Paula Hoisington, Chairwoman of the Central Florida Urban League. “There are few words to comfort the families of those who were brutally killed; may their memories be a blessing.”

“The horrific tragedy in Pine Hills truly hits home,” added Glenton Gilzean Jr., President and CEO of the Central Florida Urban League. “The Spectrum News 13 family is part of our extended family – and their loss is our loss. Our hearts go out to the family of reporter Dylan Lyons and we pray for photographer Jesse Walden’s full recovery.”

“Over the years, we have put in place many programs to bridge the gap between our community and law enforcement, added Paula Hoisington. “These programs have helped thousands of youth lift themselves up onto a path to success. Right now, we need to come together and heal, but there is more work to do.”