Virtual Minority & Small Business Boot Camp 2.0- June 1
Wednesday, June 01, 2022
9am - 11am
Are you looking to grow your small business but don't know where to start? Enterprise Florida, Florida SBDC Network, Office of Supplier Diversity and FAMU School of Business and Industry are proud to present Minority and Small Business Bootcamp 2.0! Session 3 is on June 1!
A webinar series designed to educate minority and small businesses regarding information integral to growth and success. Each 2 hour long session will provide small business owners & staff, C-level executives, chamber and non-profit organization leaders and other professionals with the resources needed to create, maintain and grow a successful business. This one-time registration will allow attendees to participate in ALL 4 WEBINAR SESSIONS at no cost.
Register here:
For more information or questions, contact Veronica Valdez or Evelyn Reyes.